
An innovative socially distanced performance event that can remain in situ throughout the pandemic. TODDCS, Carbon IT Services and the London Borough of Richmond make up the creative team that helped turn this concept into a reality.

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With Love…

Combination Dance Company and the National Archives bring to life some letters of Love through a choreographed dance that was created in lock down with the confines of social distancing.

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Great Yorkshire Fringe - Returning 2019

The Great Yorkshire Fringe is back and bigger and better than ever!This year there are even more performers, shows and food with extra venues added to hold everyone in. A video and series of photographs were required to sum up the fun.

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Action Potential - Bloomsbury Theatre & Science Museum 2017

Throughout 2017 Combination Dance performed their show 'Action Potential' and raised awareness of Motor Neuron Disease at multiple venues across the country.

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The Man Who Shot James Bond

Bert Cann - A photographer who worked with many icons from the classic era of film, had a full career with Life magazine and has created a legacy that is part of the world's collective zeitgeist today.

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